Legislative Action

Politics & Legislative

The Legislative department of the IAM ensures that the members of the IAM are represented in Washington. From legislation that destroys vital laws that protect working men and women, to ensuring that the members issues are heard – the legislative department spends countless hours speaking with congressional leaders on behalf of IAM members.

As with MNPL, the legislative department works to secure economic justice and security in the workplace.

Action Alerts Center

Get involved with the legislative process by contacting your congressional representatives on issues that matter most to you. Research voting records, read current legislation, and find out a little bit more about those who represent you in office. Learn more in the IAM Legislative Action Center.

Members Contribution Information

Who’s fighting to protect your job, pension, health insurance and social security? Who’s wrestling with the current administration over CAFTA, Social Security and JOBS? Who’s protecting your health and safety, your right to organize, your job security? Who’s taking on the multi-national corporations’ schemes to demean the American Dream, to weaken North America’s might? Who’s battling Corporate America’s 34,000 high-priced lobbyists day in and day out?

MNPL is. The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League is IAM’s heavyweight champion when it comes to politics and legislation. But these fights are expensive. Sadly, money buys access in the halls of power. And politicians listen more closely when contributors come calling. So, MNPL needs your member contribution to wage these fights.

Election Information – Elections and Candidates Whether it’s working behind the scenes getting an anti-labor provision removed from a bill or mobilizing a nationwide grassroots effort, the Legislative Department is one of the few voices in government fighting for working men and women.

Click here to TAKE ACTION NOW

The Political / Legislative Department of the IAM At the IAM”s Political and Legislative Department, our primary focus is jobs. We are constantly pressing Members of Congress to find new and innovative approaches to job creation, pay special attention to the job retention issues and insure that our members and the companies they work for remain victors in the global economic battles. Each day finds us pushing for more: more worker rights, more job security, more jobs, more training, more development, and more political education.

The United States Senate   This site includes links to Senators’ offices and also includes bills, calendars, notices of committee hearings, and a daily digest of Senate action (usually with a one day delay)

U.S. House of Representatives   This site includes Member Offices, schedule of hearings, “real time” reports on floor action, a schedule for the week and other current information.

US Congress    Full text of legislation, all versions of House & Senate bills are searchable by keywords or by number. Full text of the Congressional Record from 1994.  This site has links to other useful government information and historical documents.

Political Action by State

The North Dakota State Legislature   Office addresses, e-mail addresses and other important information about the Minnesota State Legislature.

The South Dakota State Legislature   Office addresses, e-mail addresses and other important information about the Minnesota State Legislature

Permanent link to this article: http://iamdistrict5.org/legislative-action/