
A Mission to Serve C.R.E.S.T.

Corporation for Re-Employment and Safety Training

is a 501(C)(5) non-profit organization sponsored by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) designed to provide job re-entry and safety training services.

Every year employers and workers suffer great losses in time, money, and production due to job-related injuries, illnesses, and disabilities.

C.R.E.S.T. has a mission to return injured workers to productive employment safely and promptly.

C.R.E.S.T. also provides training in Safety Awareness, Accident/Injury Investigation, Ergonomics and Hazardous Materials Training. 

C.R.E.S.T. offers a partnership in the workplace so that workers and employers can work together for safety, efficiency, and productivity.

The results are a reduction in lost time, an assurance of A.D.A. compliance, and a healthier, more productive workforce.


Training Available through C.R.E.S.T.

IAM CREST has a wide range of Safety and Health Training

 If the safety or health training you need isn’t listed or if you are interested in one of our trainings; please contact us by calling 301-967-4707, faxing us at 301-967-3431 or emailing us at SandH@iamaw.org for more information.

Return to Work through C.R.E.S.T.

IAM C.R.E.S.T. has a professional staff of Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors to provide return to work assistance in reducing workers’ compensation costs.

IAM C.R.E.S.T. also sponsors the IAM/BOEING Return to Work program.  Jointly founded in 1991 by IAM District 751 and BOEING, this program received high recognition in successfully offering a model job re-entry program.  The Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors work closely with medical care providers, insurance company representatives, the Boeing management, the local union, and the injured workers to facilitate their return to work in a safe and productive environment as soon as possible.

In addition, IAM C.R.E.S.T. has two Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors providing services to employees with Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. in Wichita, Kansas.

C.R.E.S.T. operates on the commitment and successful principles shared by these IAM programs.

Nationally, the cost of work-related injuries, medical services, and lost production time are ataggering.  Yet, monetary costs are only part of the picture.  Too often, injured workers can become lost in the complexity of meeting medical and legal requirements. 

C.R.E.S.T. provides a structured re-entry system including; early intervention, coordination of services, and medical and vocational case management.  When necessary, workers who cannot return to their former duties can be re-trained and returned to related positions.

C.R.E.S.T. provides a direct focus and a direct route back to work.  Employers can be assured government regulations and A.D.A. requirements are being met.

In the year 2000, the Department of Labor & Industries of Washington state.  with the goal to reduce occupational injuries of employees and worker compensation costs to employers, awarded CREST a grant. CREST will offer Safety & Health training and Return-to-Work services to over 220 employers throughout the state.

Contact a IAM C.R.E.S.T. Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor serving Boeing

Contact a IAM C.R.E.S.T. Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor serving Spirit AreoSystems

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